"Jalan-Jalan" At Parks & Reservoirs- Photos Sharing -2

Getting up early and heading out for a morning walk became our daily routine even during the lockdown period. Most studies show that a 20-30 minutes or more walk is good for our mental health, especially during these "partial lockdown" periods where people are getting stressed with less travelling and social activities. Human beings are a "social species" that interact/communicate and live close to each other, imagine being " restricted "  from interacting and reducing social activities for the past 1  1/2 years, the mental stress and emotional effect is enormous and may cause "depression" easily. 

The sudden change in the way we do our work like "work from home " also create some problems and psychological effect/impact when we suddenly have more time at home and have to juggle between kids and works at the same time ( for those who have children).

A simple and effective way to " de-stress" is doing exercise or having a morning walk before you start your day. I am glad that we still can go out for a morning walk or do exercise during the lockdown period and sit down to enjoy our breakfast (although now is limited to two) after the walk.

Government to begin Sinovac COVID-19 jabs at Raffles City< source:channelnewsasia.com>

 "SINGAPORE: Individuals can make appointments to receive the Sinovac-CoronaVac COVID-19 vaccination at Raffles City Convention Centre from Saturday (Oct 30), with seniors being allowed to walk in without an appointment from Sunday."

I am glad to find out that now we have more choices or venues available for taking the Sinovac vaccine.
At one point Mrs STE and I can't dine in at malls or restaurants as Mrs STE is still not considered as "fully vaccinated " as she only has 1 dose of mRNA vaccine taken in May and not be able to take the second dose due to some form of "allergic"  after taking the first dose.

Subsequently, we have been told by MOH that government may provide the non-mRNA type of vaccine to those who had an allergic reaction to the mRNA vaccine by end of the year. Finally, Mrs STE received an SMS from MOH in Aug to register for an appt to take Sinovac vaccine at TTH and schedule on 24th Oct. Although it is still two months away and since the total case was not high at that time, we felt it's still ok to wait till the end of OCT. But after the government decided to open up more to allow 5 pax dine-in in Sep, the total case suddenly exploded and I try to call up TTH to see if we could bring forward the vaccination to an earlier date but ended up being told that the appt now schedules till end Nov. 

I have written twice to MOH to express the concern especially for those with "allergic" to mRNA that needs to expedite the taking of non-mRNA vaccine ( even though we knew that the efficacy is much lower than mRNA, but at least we could have some kind of protection ).

At the same time, I also decided to look around if we could find an early date for taking the Sinovac vaccine at a private clinic instead of waiting till 24th Oct. Luckily, we manage to find and register one to be taken on 1st Oct and the second dose on 23rd Oct.
Now, I am happy that Mrs STE is considered "fully vaccinated " and we can enjoy our breakfast at "Kopitiam"  after the morning walk and dine in or enter the malls.  :D

With the increase of Covid confirmed cases day by day and death toll ( especially seniors with underlying health conditions ), I hope those un-vaxxed people ( especially the seniors ) who are not comfortable with the mRNA vaccine can opt for Sinovac Vaccine and be fully vaccinated asap. Although the efficacy is lower, but studies show that it can at least have some kind of protection against severe illness or hospitalization/ death.

As I mentioned earlier and highlighted in my FB posting, ultimately, the most important thing is still building up or boosting our own immune system by keeping a healthy lifestyle.

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy !!

Cheers !!



PS: Videos on the importance of our own immune system in fighting the Covid-19 and how to boost and improve our immune system by practising a healthy lifestyle.


  1. Tien Eng,
    Glad to learn your Mrs is now fully vaccinated and have the freedom and peace of mind to venture out of the confine of home.

    Seniors in the family (in-laws, wife & I) got our booster jabs 2 months ago, we being in the "privileged" age group and enjoy priority in the vaccination queue. My M-I-L who is close to 90 enjoyed going to NTUC and market on her own before COVID. Now we just have to stop her from doing this, notwithstanding the booster jab.

    Hope new vaccines will be developed soon to combat the "delta" variant more effectively. But was told COVID will probably come out with a new "gamma" variant, much as what the influenza virus has been doing. Sigh

    Just inherited a Nikon 300D camera from my son (he bought a much more expensive model). Am very impressed by your photos. You must be a very experienced photographer. Just wonder which park/reservoirs (the first 3 photos)? any special accessories used (sky & cloud in your photos look real wonderful, very different from photos I took) ?

    1. Hi retiree5559,
      Thanks for the comments and glad to know that you and family members already got your booster jabs. Yes, is better not to go crowded place like NTUC especially for senior like your M.I.L , even with booster jab, anything can happens ,better safe than sorry.
      Yes, I think with what the virus been evolved so far, we will definitely need a new "version" on vaccine to tackle the "new variants" and keep updating the vaccine ver like flu jab.
      My worry will be the "delta +" which is rearing it ugly head in UK now, it seems that it is spreading fast and we don't know the seriousness of this new " variant".
      Happy to know that you got Nikon 300D from your son, wow! your son must be a pro..I am using the phone camera to take all these photos. I don't have DSLR camera, I use canon digital camera (Powershot) when I went for oversea holidays previously.
      Fyi,, the first photo was taken at Punggol Park while the 2nd and 3rd were from Upper Seletar Reservoir. I am using phone camera with some touch-up by photo editor.
      Hope you enjoy your walking and taking more beautiful photos with your new camera !
      Cheers !! :D

  2. Tien Eng,
    thank you for the info & tip. So it is the software that matters! must start to learn the editing software

    1. Hi retiree5559,
      You are most welcome, yah...the angle /timing and position of taking photo is important but the editing software could assist to make it "perfect" to some extent.
      Cheers ! and enjoy your photo taking... :D


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