4th Qtr 2017 : Dividend and Portfolio Update

image credit to Izquotes.com Is time to see many updates from financial bloggers on their year-end portfolio review and total dividend to be collected in 2017, including B ( here ) and me of course. Time flies, as usual with the last company to have announced the financial result, I will try to tabulate the total dividend to be collected in 4ht Qtr 2017 and a total amount for full-year 2017 vs 2016. image credit to stockspin.com Dividend & Interest Income for 4th Qtr 2017 = $40,576.95 This is about $3696 lesser than 4 th Qtr last year of $44,273 Total 2017 = $185,623 vs 2016 of $195,547 ( down by -$9924 )