"Jalan-Jalan" At Parks & Reservoirs- Photos Sharing

Walking regularly is one of the easiest ways to improve our mental health, as well as helping us to stay active during this lockdown period. I try to set a target of walking 10K steps/day and so far, this month I only missed 4 days which did not hit the target.

Stay healthy and continue doing exercise during this pandemic is also a way to improve our health problems, such as increasing obesity, depression, infections, and cardiovascular diseases etc.

This pandemic has also changed the way we do exercise as we are not allowed to do certain sports which required body contact in a large group like soccer. As such, I still prefer walking in a small group of people, slowly to enjoy the beautiful scenery around us.

Although in Singapore we don’t have the Alps like snow-mountain or a huge national park in the USA, but we do have few reservoirs and smaller parks around us for us to walk around and relax, if you try to explore.

Would like to share some photos taken at these “reservoir “ and “parks” during the pandemic and see if you can recognize where is it. Also some places in our neighborhood which we often neglected the beauty of our surrounding.

Keep Walking & Stay Healthy !


Cheers !!




  1. Taking a walk with my wife is something I look forward everyday. Btw, Nice photos..

  2. Thank you !! enjoy your walk with your wife !! :D


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