0% or Negative Yields Are Becoming The “New Normal”
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image credit to stewcap.com |
Would like to share some great articles on “Negative bond yield and QE”...with more and more central bankers lowering the interest rate and
implementing more QE, the world is flooded with liquidity and resulting $17 Billion of negative-yielding bond sitting and idling on various
financial institution’s balance sheet around the world.
Why do
investors buy negative yield bonds? <source:ft.com>
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image credit to Bloomberg finance.com |
With this unstoppable pace of money printing, the market will become
more volatile... all conventional
methods of assets valuation will also become obsolete... you may notice that it will
become "new normal" for some S-REITs to have yielded lower than 4%
(especially from those with a stronger sponsor like Mapletree or Capital families).
Defensive stocks like Utilities and REITs might become the next target of investment for some hot money to flow into as investors / sovereign wealth funds / mutual fund/insurance & endowment
funds, all are chasing to get a better yield than “zero-coupon” bonds. If low
interest rate environment continues for a longer period of time, we may possible
seeing many REITs with a yield of 2-3% when others investment asset classes are
getting negative to zero interest/yield.
Fundamentally, S-REITs may look overvalued ( base on the traditional valuation of PB/ Dividend Yield ) but because of T.I.N.A and F.O.M.O, the price may increase further with more and more "hot money" pouring into this market, as such 2-3% dividend yield may suddenly look great and acceptable when others are just giving almost zero yields.
If that happens, most of the defensive stocks may have a chance to achieve
“higher high” when more and more fund managers start pouring money into these
sectors in chasing for higher returns.
But one must remember that when such asset classes are having high
or lofty valuation due to price increase, it becomes much more “volatile “, that
any small news or event could see a wild swing in stock price tremendously.
With this, please fasten your seat belt and enjoy the ride ….
Cheers !!
Further reading :
标签: 零利率 财政赤字 货币政策 理财 收益
The Zero Lower Bound (ZLB,零负利率) 最近火爆了,从经济学界到金融市场不少人在谈论这个概念。ZLB数十年前作为一个概念被经济学家讨论过,指当名义利率接近零甚至低过零的时候,进一步降低利率便无法鼓励企业从事投资,对刺激经济帮助不大,用凯恩斯学派的话讲就是“流动性陷阱”。
凯恩斯的学术对头弗里德曼对流动性陷阱概念不以为然,货币主义学派认为利率见零不是问题,继续扩张基础货币来刺激经济就是了。将此学术意境发扬光大的是前联储主席伯南克,他的外号叫Helicopter Ben,在金融危机后真的站在直升机上撒钱,他的QE政策为现代金融历史揭开了新的篇章,也制造出全新的货币政策工具,更将央行的纪律和廉耻感彻底抛弃了。
流动性陷阱,正在由日本向全世界扩散。QE政策,正在由“非常时期的非常规措施”变成货币政策的常备工具。央行一有需要就动用量化宽松政策早已成为现实,但是大大方方讲出来的第一人是欧洲央行总裁德拉吉,而且又是whatever it takes那么坚定,一派不达目的誓不罢休的架势。
In investing, strange things can happen. Things that you
never expect to see. And if you went back a decade ago and surveyed investors,
I don’t think you’d find anyone predicting negative interest rates.
What exactly does that mean?
It means if you buy those bonds
and hold them to maturity you are guaranteed to lose money. Considering the
premise of investing is based on the expectation of achieving a profit, then
bonds are proving to be the antithesis.
The recent chart from the
Financial Times (FT) below shows the stark changes that have occurred in the
global bond markets since early this century. Today, almost 60% of the world’s
bond markets yield less than 2% compared to some 20% in 2004.
“Right now, approximately 13 trillion
dollars’ worth of investors’ money is held in zero or below-zero
interest-rate-earning debt. That means that these investments are worthless for
producing income.
Thus far, investors have been happy about the
rate/return decline because investors pay more attention to the price gains
that result from falling interest rates than the falling future rates of
That will end when interest rates reach their
lower limits (slightly below 0%), when the prospective returns for risky assets
are pushed down to near the expected return for cash, and when the demand for
money to pay for debt, pension, and healthcare liabilities increases” -
Ray Dalio, July 2018.
< Now the total bond with negative or zero yield had gone up to more than USD $17
Trillion in 2019>
Capital is already on
the move
It appears investors have started to search for alternative sources of return. It’s little wonder that money has started pouring into private equity funds which offer the potential at least for positive returns. The FT recently reported that Europe’s biggest private equity groups are rushing to raise new mega-funds as they seek to tap into record demand from investors. Data from private equity specialists, Prequin, show almost $2.5 trillion of unspent cash is at the ready to buy companies, real estate, infrastructure, natural resources and debt.
We think it’s likely private equity will look to deploy their record
levels of capital into the public equity markets where there remains
opportunities to buy quality businesses at reasonable valuations, which are actually
cheap if low bond yields are here to stay. Assets that offer higher yields are
being sought and this has been most clearly reflected in the positive re-rating
of commercial real estate, REITs, utilities and other bond-like proxies.
How liddat ? what is your tactic ?
ReplyDeleteHi Your ka-ki!,
DeleteYou may notice that market continue to trend upward despite so many uncertainties and trade war concern. This is all because of huge money printing activities (low interest rate & QE) by central bankers around the world. With so much money moving around, market become more volatile but it may not collapse easily as when it drops to certain level, investors may start to rush in to buy by thinking that they are buying at bargain and have enough margin of safety...I will still keep enough war-chest but at the same consider to adjust my portfolio by increasing weightage on REITs and utilities stocks by few % points...
For risk adverse investors , you may consider more stable high grade corporate bond or even SG Saving Bond.
Cheers !! :D
CPF is a shelter too?
ReplyDeleteHi Siew Mun,
DeleteYes , indeed, CPF is kind of safe bond (AAA) under current uncertain environment , for those have excess cash , topping up the SA or RA might be a good option as it give us 4% "risk free" rate...
Cheers !! :)
I think buying into REITS and other bonds carry a much higher level of risk now. The Fed has been pressured by Trump and the path of least resistance was to cut rates since most other central banks are doing that. However, there is really not a strong case for them to be doing so - at least not when unemployment is at record lows. The US economy is doing ok and not about to fall off the cliff... I can agree if they were to cut rates if there is a danger of a plunge but based on current data, they have zero case. As such, I think there is a risk that the market gets it wrong in pricing such an aggressive rate cut path. All we need is a slight uptick in US economic data or a resolution of the trade war and there would be a serious round of rate cuts re-rating - this may induce volatility into the Reit space given the steep run up.
ReplyDeleteHi Jon,
DeleteYes, some of the REITs really looks "rich" in valuation especially those with strong sponsors or strategic asset like 'data center" , we may see the recent "equity fund raising" from some of the reits that's been oversubscribed many times.
Guess there is still ample of liquidity in the market , aiming to enter and buying REITs once there is any sudden "dip" in price. Price still very resistance to any bad news from economy or trade war.
I think even if US economy is doing well but the "damage" due to trade war may take time to heal and same as interest rate where world center bankers may not want to make a first move to increase the rate.
Let's see how things develop from here on ...
Cheers ! :D