Good Financial Journalist That Could Shape Your View in Investing

My Investing Mentor :

We often seek our own “ Guru “ or mentors in our journey of investing and this person represents a role model, someone you look up to and wanted to emulate for all the right reasons. Some may pick international renowned and successful investment gurus like Warren Buffet, Peter Lynch, George Soros , Seth Klarman, Walter Schloss etc.

You may notice from my brief explanation in “ About me” that my interest in investing came from reading articles from one of the financial business journalist of Malaysia newspaper in early days.

He is Mr 冯时能 ( aka 冷眼 ) , a business editor of 南洋商报Nanyang Siang Pau in 1980s. His article really has a deep impact and shaped my view about value investing. Many of my thoughts and investment philosophy are also being influenced by him. Some bloggers ever calculated their investment portfolio value estimated to more than RM30 million in 2009, by now may be much higher. ( base on company filing of top 20 shareholders ). The real figure might be much more than this as his holding in the big-cap company may not appear as top 20 shareholders.

You may find more of his articles in the below link : ( in Chinese )

TCapital Group - 冯时能:冷眼分享集:如何发掘第二线优质股 <>

Also, you can find below Video clips of his talks about some “value investing” during the launching of his new book: ( in Chinese )


$how Me the Money

When I start working in Singapore, I like to read article from Ms Tey Hooi Ling, an ex-SPH scholar and business journalist from The Business Time. I enjoy reading her articles which have full of wisdom and insight about investing from market abnormality to behavioural finance and investment philosophy.

You may find more about Tey Hooi Ling on the below link: by BIGFatPurse


I bought all her books, “ $how Me the Money “ series :

Hooi Ling left The BT and joined Aggregate Asset Management in 2013 ( what a pity as I really miss her good insight and articles in The BT ),, but good for her to pursue her own interest and career in Fund Management.

You may find more about “ Aggregate Asset Management “ in below link :

aggregate asset management

I think this fund has a quite unique set-up as you will only be charged when they perform, also one will need to “lock in “ their fund for at least 3 years else penalty may apply. Guess this should not be any problem for long term investors as the longer period of investing, the higher probability of winning the market.

image credit to

Fund Fact Sheet

Aggregate Value Fund is only for accredited investors as stipulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
Sales Charge
Management Fee
0% per annum
Fund Subscription Charge
SGD 2,000 (one-off)
Performance Fee
20% with High Water Mark
Early Exit Charges within 1st
Three Years
5% (waived for annual withdrawal of less than 5% of subscription amount)
Minimum Investment
SGD 150,000
Last Trading Day Monthly
Monthly on 1st Dealing Day
Quarterly on 1st Dealing Day
DBS Bank
Ernst & Young
Fund Administrator
Crowe Horwath First Trust Fund Services

TYD Return of almost 40% since inception in Dec 2012 is quite impressive, especially they still could make +ve return in 2015 while STI was down by almost -16%. Base on some of the interview about the fund, I think they are using the “ Smart Beta " strategy eg filtering deep value stocks base on  PB/PE and doing the trimming and asset re-allocation on yearly basis.

<Smart Beta >

< Disclaimer: This is not an advertorial blog post for Aggregate Asset Management and I don’t invest in this fund, please DYODD - Do Your Own Due Diligence prior to investing in this fund. >

The New BT Weekend

Reading this article in today’s The BT , which they will unveil a new look and content reboot for its weekend edition this Saturday. As mentioned earlier, I really miss the good articles from Ms Tey Hooi Ling and I couldn’t find one with such insight or as comparable in today’s The BT.

image credit to

I think the “ content is much more important than the “ outlook or appearance “ especially for a business newspaper.

What do you think?


Quote Of The Day :

“We can read all the books in the world, but having someone willing to share his insight and extend a guiding hands do make all the difference.”


  1. Leng Yan is also one key guru that influenced my investing method and mindset greatly.. Strongly encourage those who have good command in chinese to read his books..

    Perhaps as someone w chinese as native language, I find his concepts and articles much more relatable and resonates with me.. Could also be due to the beauty of chinese language being able to describe and evoke emotions better..

    I have both his hardcover books. How many books did he author?

    1. Hi CSCCC,
      Yes, indeed , I read his article with full of interest and gain a lot from him ! I also have the 2 book written by him , I think these are just 2 books he write ... :)
      Cheers !!


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