#ReturnOurCPF $$



  1. Congratulations to the 55. Uncle seeing 60..lol.

    1. Thanks Bro, you too, enjoy your retirement life now..!👏👍😊

  2. Hi STE 大哥

    Thanks for your detailed and insightful write-up, as always.

    I'd like to understand a bit more on this part 'We...didn't top-up much into our CPF, only did some for tax rebate purposes'

    May I know what kind of 'tax rebate' are you referring to here?

    Happily retired since years ago, I am assuming this is not your income tax relief?

    TIA for your response

    1. Hi Sinteck, thanks for the comments, sorry, maybe my messages not so clear, what Im referring to was the tax rebate when I still working/ before retired. I only top up $8k into SA to get the tax rebate. Hope this clarify 👌😊

    2. Ah, i see. Understand now.

      Wow...without 'topping-up much', yet you managed to amass such an impressive sum in your CPF. High-income earner, for sure.

      And good investment returns on CPFIS too,, I presume.

      Congrats~! You are a great inspiration and learning model

    3. Hi , sintek, thanks for the compliment/ comments, yes, my higher than 2.5% of CPFIS helps 👌😊, also , the magic of compound interest since I didn't use much of my OA for housing 😊

  3. Does anyone knows what would happen to our CPFIS stocks when we passed away? Assuming there are 3 beneficiaries but with unequal shares in the nomination.

    1. Hi, Henry, this is what I got from ChatGPT, best is to call CPF Board and ask👌😊
      When a CPF member in Singapore passes away, the treatment of their CPF Investment Scheme (CPFIS) investments depends on their CPF nominations. Here's what happens:

      ### **CPFIS Investments Upon Death**
      1. **Liquidation of Investments**:
      - CPFIS investments are usually liquidated upon the member's death. This means the stocks, bonds, or other assets held under CPFIS will be sold, and the proceeds will be transferred back to the deceased's CPF accounts.

      2. **Distribution of CPF Monies**:
      - The total CPF monies, including the proceeds from the liquidation of CPFIS investments, will be distributed to the nominated beneficiaries according to the CPF nomination.
      - If there is no CPF nomination, the CPF monies will be distributed to the deceased's family based on the **Intestate Succession Act** or **Muslim inheritance laws** (for Muslims).

      ### **How Beneficiaries Receive the Proceeds**
      - The CPF Board will pay out the monies directly to the nominated beneficiaries **in cash**.
      - The beneficiaries are notified and may need to provide identification and other documents to claim the payout.

      ### **Important Notes**:
      - **Nomination Required**: CPF nominations must be made separately from wills, as CPF savings do not form part of the deceased’s estate and are not covered by the will.
      - **Tax-Free Distribution**: The proceeds are generally tax-free.
      - **Review Nominations Regularly**: It’s important to keep CPF nominations updated to reflect life changes (e.g., marriage, divorce, or children).


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