What happen to Genco while SP Power is making close to 1 Billion per year ?
image credit to staritstimes.com Disclaimer : I am a Hyflux N2H ( 6% CPS ) holder, my view may carry some biases towards the company I have vested. As I said in my previous blog post, we shouldn't blame anyone for losses incurred in our investment except ourselves. Electricity tariffs to rise by 6.9% for July-September period ( from channelnewsasia.com - 29 th June 2018) This is what caught my attention and I think this will further contribute to a better bottom line of SP power ….. Yes, SP Power is making close to $900 mil per year ( Base Annual Report from SP Power – here ) and all the Genco is bleeding and in red of more than -$357 Mil in 2016 ( I’m sure it will be much more than this figure in 2017 and some estimated it could be close to $1 Bil ) image credit tp SP group.sg While : “Singapore's power generation sector has a total capacity of 13,350 megawatts (MW). Peak demand, however, averaged only 7,000 MW in the year to Ma...