Just For Fun & Photos Sharing

Recently, after reducing my holding in Capital Commercial REIT (here ) and Accordia Golf TR, other than deploying my fund to short term bonds  and building up my war chest, I am also thinking of adding new counters which would generate some passive income to replace the loss of income from these two counters which used to be the main holding in my portfolio.

While doing the due diligent for one of the target stock, I came across this paragraph in one of the analyst reports…

“Hong Kong: Polished trading stable and prices firm. Steady demand for 0.50 to 2 ct., D-G, SI RapSpec A2+ (3X, none), GIA-graded diamonds. Rising expectations for Chinese New Year sales, particularly for higher-end goods. Shortage of brides due to China’s one-child policy, forcing grooms to show their worth by splurging on bigger and better diamonds. Custom jewellery gaining popularity.

Wow !! Good to be brides in China nowadays .. J  as usual in economics terms, when demand more than supply,,, price tends to move up, like Bitcoins.

Just for fun !! also, can you guess which counter am I looking at to invest from SGX base on above analysis? Hahaha,,, no price for guessing .

Cheers!!  All the best in your hunting for the next multi-bagger value stocks!

Photos Sharing :
Taken during our morning walk ( together with Mrs STE )


  1. Hi STE, may I know what stock is that :) Can share?

    1. Hi cheryl2010, is Sarine Tech...please DYODD ,.price has gone up quite a bit from 52 weeks low...also the demand for diamond related product continue to be challenging... cheers

    2. I see, ya i was thinking of that.. but it went up more than 10% since last year's low


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