If you are investing in any stocks market, you will have experienced on the stock you first purchased in your investing life. For me, it was a counter called “ Magnum Bhd “, a company who operate and manage 4-digit numbers forecast betting in Malaysia. ( yeee.. a sin stock !) . Yap, indeed, it is a “sin “ stock with quite a decent dividend. There was a story on why am I investing in such counter as a start in my investing life. As you may notice from my post on “ About me “, I came from a big family with 7 siblings and my father was a construction worker. We are poor and most of my siblings don’t even have a chance to complete their primary school ( I am just the lucky one who has the chance to complete my tertiary education ). My father like to buy 4-D and he has won quite a big sum in the early days ( around RM10K ) in 35 years ago. It would have considered a huge sum of money at that time, but since then ..he lost all the money he won plus much more i...