Is Stock Market Correction Normal ?
Since the start of 2018, the stock market has experienced higher levels of volatility than we’ve seen before. The result has been in many headlines or news highlighting the downfall of a strong market and how much the market cap has been wiped out in such a short period of time. It’s left many people wondering if this is normal and healthy, or a sign of worse things to come ? For me, it is normal for the markets to experience a short-term drop in prices, typically followed by a long-term advance. Those are the facts. The complexity of available financial products is contributing to this unusual volatility. In recent years, the financial services industry innovates by creating new and complex products such as Options/ Future / CFD / DLC that track everything from market volatility to price speculative. These leverage products/derivatives give “ investors or gambler “ entirely new ways to “trade or gamble” on the market. I am sure the market will tend to be more vol...