Bitcoin ( Crypto) Is Not Tulip
Different Attitude Towards The World Of Crypto: China vs the US It is quite obvious that China ( or even India and some other countries ) has a different approach towards Crypto vs the US. These countries are imposing a ban or restricting crypto trading and mining while the US is just trying to regulate Crypto. Why? " 水很深 " Just look at the trading volume and value of Crypto daily and remember most of the trading were done in the US market and transacted in USD. At the highest point, total market capitalization for Crypto was more than $ 2 Trillion in Apr 2021 and represent about 17% of the global total Gold value. Again, if you look at the below chart, the highest daily trading value for crypto could reach as high as $3.18 Billion , even at this moment, the daily trading value is more than $450 mil. Just imagine how the US major financial institution like GS / JP Morgan trying to promote the crypto through ETF/structural products / derivatives/op...